There are many types of boxing gloves in the market. When you go shopping online, you may get confused by the many types and misleading tag lines. If you end up buying the wrong one for your desired purpose, you have, at the very least, wasting your money, or worst, have made yourself prone to injury and harm. To know more about the boxing gloves type, read this short and easy to grasp piece.
Training gloves
Boxing gloves are frequently advertised as training gloves or bag gloves by companies who sell them. As far as boxing gloves go, they are your standard all-rounders. They are sometimes designed specifically for bag and pad exercises, although they are often rather adaptable and effective in any form of training. You’ll most likely be using a pair of them for most of the work you’ll be conducting. On the other hand, not all general-purpose gloves are labeled as training gloves; instead, they are more commonly referred to as boxing gloves.
Sparring Gloves
When sparring, the goal of boxing gloves is not to knock out your sparring partner but rather to safeguard both of you from injury. You could use any pair of boxing gloves for sparring (as long as they’re of a suitable weight), but several companies provide sparring gloves that are specifically designed for the sport and are thus more comfortable. Sparring gloves are quite similar to training gloves, except that the padding is generally somewhat softer or more cushioned, with better distribution, to make hits less harsh. However, while sparring gloves are typically marketed in a range of weights, you should only use them if they are 14oz or heavier, depending on your body weight and the situation.
It is always up to the coach to choose whether or not you are permitted to wear gloves while sparring. Assuming that your instructor has a lifetime of expertise under their belt and is unquestionably more knowledgeable than you, you should take their word for it if they feel that your gloves are the incorrect weight, hazardous, or just overall unsuitable. Check with your gym to see what weight of glove they recommend you use for sparring, and make sure you purchase your glove from a respected brand if at all feasible. The majority of it, though, boils down to common sense; if you’re a larger guy trying to get away with wearing some worn-out, second-hand 14oz gloves from a dubious-looking brand nobody’s ever heard of, you should probably know better.
Professional Gloves
Professional gloves should only be considered if you want to compete. Boxing gloves are designed expressly for use in professional competition, as the name implies. These gloves sometimes forgo hand protection and occasionally comfort to maximize offense. Typically, the cushioning is firmer, resulting in the gloves being smaller and more compact in size. It may be argued that these gloves are constructed in such a way that each punch is as sharp as possible.
On the other hand, professional boxing gloves are not particularly well adapted to everyday training and should not be relied upon for anything other than competition. Most contests will require you to use 8oz or 10oz gloves, depending on the opponent’s weight. High-level events seldom allow the use of Velcro boxing gloves. Hence lace-up gloves are nearly usually the norm for professional fighters.
Don’t be misled if you see a pair of pro-style boxing gloves for sale for super cheap in your local sports store; those are simply brands utilizing the name as an advertising tool and are frequently little more than basic boxing training gloves. True professional boxing gloves are expensive, and many fighters will spend hundreds of dollars on a decent set of boxing gloves.
Traditional Mexican Style Gloves
Mexican-type gloves were extremely rare in the early days of boxing when boxing gloves were large bubbles of padding. They were also quite difficult to get. Their sportier design and denser cushioning helped them stand out from the rest of the pack. Nowadays, the characteristics are more conventional, and the phrase “Mexican style gloves” is thrown about more frequently, but there are still a variety of “Mexican style gloves” available for purchase. In essence, they’re a sub-category of professional boxing gloves with a different design.
Many people are familiar with Cleto Reyes as one of the world’s most prestigious luxury glove makers. These are a nice example of what is referred to as “Mexican gloves,” made of leather. There is a little change in fit with a longer cuff, but the primary difference is in the padding, which tends to be more compact in most cases. After breaking them in, they are said to mold perfectly to the hand; however, this is likely to vary depending on the kind of glove purchased. Cleto Reyes, for example, continues to employ horsehair to give considerably stronger cushioning and goatskin for the leather parts.
Muay Thai Gloves
Muay Thai is a completely different game than boxing, and boxing gloves have evolved to reflect this difference in approach. The gloves are primarily intended for kickboxers who require a boxing glove that can move with them. Thailand is home to many glove manufacturers, each of whom excels in a different aspect of the sport. However, all of them place a strong emphasis on more evenly distributed padding for better protection on the back of the hand and greater flexibility in the grip, which allows the palm to open more to catch kicks. In addition, it’s not unusual for companies to have additional cushioning on each side of the palm. Some individuals just appreciate the design of Muay Thai gloves, while others don’t care for them at all. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind the subtle qualities that make them more ideal for kickboxing and Muay Thai than other gloves.
Amateur Gloves
Despite the fact that you will almost certainly never require a pair of them, it is good to be aware of what they are. Gloves used in amateur boxing tournaments are often a certain type, which is normally supplied to the fighters by the organization hosting the event. The gloves are generally red or blue in color, depending on which boxer is in which corner. It’s also very uncommon for the knuckle portion of the glove to be prominently seen. These characteristics make it much easier for the judges to determine the winner of the bout.
If you’re unsure about the type of boxing gloves you require, the following are some important factors to consider, like whether the gloves are intended for use in competition or training. If it suits your purpose, you can get the pair.
Knowing the type of training can also prove to help buy a good pair of gloves. The amount of padding you need and the weight category are also important factors to consider here.
Keeping these points in mind, as well as the information above, you should be able to determine the sort of boxing gloves you’ll require. If you’re still unsure, ask us in the comments area, and we’ll attempt to assist you or get advice from your coach.